13 Stretching Exercises for Wheelchair Users [INFOGRAPHIC]

KD Smart Chair, a manufacturer of lightweight folding power wheelchairs and the KD Smart Chair Electric Wheelchair, has released an infographic that visualizes 13 stretching exercises for wheelchair users. The stretching exercises provide many benefits and can be done at any time to help relieve stress, back pain, tightens of muscles and stiff joints. This infographic provides specific directions on how to stretch properly in your wheelchair to increase circulation and ease muscle tightness. Sitting too long in a wheelchair may cause discomfort and muscle cramps. Solution to this is doing some stretching that may help reduce pain and help relieve any cramps or joint stiffness. Once you receive approval from your doctor or physical therapist, you can begin enjoying these stretching exercises. Remember to carefully and gently do each exercise to avoid injury.


13 Stretching Exercises for Wheelchair Users [INFOGRAPHIC]

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